Update from Stop Zena Development: Decision Unlikely to be Issued Tonight
Zena Homes Redux
An Update from Stop Zena Development: We Need You to Stand with Us Again Sept. 26 as the Public Hearing Concludes at the Community Center
Woodstock ZBA wrestles with Zena development issues
An Update from the Stop Zena Development Volunteer Coalition: Woodstock & Ulster Boards to Hear from Developers in August
Woodstock’s rules or Ulster’s rules? Land conservancy urges ZBA support for more restrictive regulations
Woodstock Land Conservancy seeks to halt Zena Homes project
Zena Homes developer must work with both Woodstock and Ulster
Woodstock, Ulster officials see possible August start to Zena Homes review
Zena Development LLC is on the Agenda: Multiple Media Outlets Report Developers will be Back Before the Planning Board
Ulster town officials bracing for Zena Homes project review
Missed the event? Watch the video!
Stop Zena Development Coalition Announces Woodstock Walk & Rock: A Family Gathering To Save Our Forest
Woodstock Walk & Rock: A Family Gathering To Save Our Forest: A half-mile awareness walk followed by a performance by Arm of the Sea Theater
Ulster town officials say Zena Homes application is incomplete
Review of Zena Homes project in town of Ulster shows possibility for more housing units
Town of Ulster supervisor questions credibility of Zena Homes developers
Zena Development proposes homeowners’ association
Zena Homes developers present plan for 30 units in town of Ulster amid strong opposition
We Need You at the Ulster Planning Board Meeting on April 9th!